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Event Information:
1. Sanction by: | Badminton World Federation (BWF) World Chinese Badminton Federation |
2. Host: | The Government of SARAWAK MALAYSIA |
3. Event Organizers: | World Chinese Badminton Federation, Sibu Branch |
4. Event Sponsors: | MAXX Sports Sdn. Bhd. |
5. Event EXECUTION | HUA YU Sports Technology SHANGHAI 华羽体育科技(上海)有限公司 |
6. Media Support | Local newspaper and RTM |
7. Tournament Date & Timing | Friday 05th JUL 2024 (registration) to Monday 8th July 2024 |
9. Reporting TIME and PLACE | Thursday 04 JULY 2024 @ Hotel (whole day including issuing of Goodies bags) |
10. Team Manager Meeting DATE / TIME | Thursday 04 JULY 2024 time to be announced |
The tournament shall comprise 3 main categories of events by Age Group namely: the AMATEUR Events Category and the OPEN Events Category and the VIP Events category.
Champion :RM5000 +r acket + medal + certificate
Runners-up :RM3000 + racket + medal + certificate
The type of events in the OPEN Category is as follows:
Age 34 and Below
(1) Men’s Singles (2) Men’s Doubles (3) Women’s Singles
(4) Women’s Doubles (5) Mixed Doubles
Age 35 and Above
(1) Men’s Doubles (2) Women’s Doubles (3) Mixed Doubles
Champion :RM300 + racket + medal + certificate
Runners-up :Medal + certificate
The events in the Amateur Category are:
Men’s Singles, Men’s Doubles, Women’s Singles, Women’s Doubles, Mixed Doubles, Husband/Wife Doubles (based on Husband Age), Combined Age Doubles, 3P (Mixed 3 Persons vs 3 Persons)
11.2.1. Age from 25-29,30-34,35-39,40-44.
11.2.2. Age from 45-49,50-54, 55-59.
11.2.3. Age from 60-64,65-69, 70-74, 75-79.
11.2.4. Age from 80-84, Age 85 above.
11.2.5. Combined Age 90 group. (min 35 yrs) Men/Women/Mixed Doubles only
11.2.6. Combined Age 100 group.(min 40 yrs) Men/Women/Mixed Doubles only
11.2.7. Combined Age 110 group.(min 45 yrs) Men/Women/Mixed Doubles only
11.2.8. Combined Age 120 group (min 50 yrs) Men/Women/Mixed Doubles only
11.2.9. Combined Age 130 group (min 55 yrs) Men/Women/Mixed Doubles only
11.2.10. Combined Age 140 group (min 60 yrs) Men/Women/Mixed Doubles only
11.2.11. Combined Age 150 group (min 65 yrs) Men/Women/Mixed Doubles only
11.2.12. Combined Age 160 group (min 70 yrs) Men/Women/Mixed Doubles only
11.2.13. 3P Combined Age 200.
11.2.14 3P, Combined Age 220:
11.3 VIP EVENT:Only Men’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles will be organized. All VIP Events will invited at the discretion of the Organiser.
12.1. All badminton enthusiasts are welcomed to participate in this competition irrespective of nationality and/or race. Players participating in this competition have to be responsible for themselves and be in good health condition. Only accidental injury suffered during the Match will only be covered by the Insurance for the players taken up for the competition.
12.2 Registration can be made in GROUP or by INDIVIDUAL. The Entry Fee for each player is RMB$200 or RM$150 (regardless whether one or two events)
12.3 Each player is allowed only to participate in 2 Events. (For 3P Group and Combined Age Group Events, each player is only allowed to participate in 1 Event).
12.4 For OPEN Event, a player is allowed only 2 Events in the same category. Participant registered for OPEN Events are not allowed to participate in the AMATEUR Event. Players in the top 100 BWF ranking can only play in the OPEN event.
12.5. Older Age player are allowed to participate in Event of Lower Age and not vice-versa. All players are to participate in the same age group for their 2 enrolled categories. (EXCEPT for Husband/Wife Mixed Doubles Event)
13.1 Every Match will be decided by a Game of 31 rally points system. At 16 points, both players shall change end. No additional point shall be added at 30-All.
13.2 Every Category’s Format of play will be dependent on the number of players participating in each category. (Single knockout or round robin)
13.3 3P Group (Mixed 3 persons vs 3 persons)
(1) 3 persons in each court, comprising 2 Men 1 Woman or 2 Women 1 Man. 2 Persons in the front 1 in the back. The younger or stronger player must stay in the back.
(2) The court used for 3P is the same as the court used for Doubles. The person in the back has no right for service but can receive the long serve by the opponent.
(3) During the competition, no player is allowed to leave the Court
13.4 Any No-Show by player in the court by 5 minutes will be deemed as forfeiting the match. If there are conflicts in Match Schedule, a 10 minutes rest can be granted for the consecutive match. All players with conflicts in their Match schedule can register with the Organiser and / or discuss with the Tournament Referee or the Match Referee in advance.
13.5 The Tournament Referee reserve the rights to re-adjust the TIME and the Court for play. Affected players are not allowed to protest.
13.6 All players are responsible to show their PHOTO IDENTIFICATION before the Match. Any failure to proof their Identity, the REFEREE has the right to forfeit the Match. Local players can be verified with their personal Identification Card. Foreign players can be verified by their PHOTO in their Passport.
13.7 All protests or appeals must be made within 30 mins by their Team Manager with a protest form (below). A deposit payment of RMB$1000 has to be PAID. The payment will be refunded upon success of appeal. Otherwise the deposit will be confiscated.
14.1 The tournament information and registration and contact are as follows:
(1). WCBF Official Website (www.wcbfcn.cn or www.huarenbei.com) (for CHina)
(2) WCBF Sarawak Website (https://wcbfsarawak.org.my/tournament-registration
14.2 Registration Contact:
Bryan Wong – +60129081113
YK Chou – +60 198862026
Philip Wong – +60168798855
14.3 Registration Deadline
(1) Closing Date – By 5th June 2024
(2) All successful registration name list will be published within 3 days after the registration system closed.
(3) The rule of match will be published 10 days before the tournament starts.
(4) All participants are also requested to indicate their T-shirts SIZE upon registration
(5) Players reporting: Thursday 04 JULY 2024 at Tanahmas hotel. Individual player or the respective team manager must report to the tournament secretariat at the above mentioned hotel or else the player/players will be forfeited
(6) Team managers meeting: Thursday 04 July 2024 at Tanahmas hotel
14.4 Registration Fee:
(1) The registration can be done in a group (10 person excluding team manager and coaches) or individual. RMB200 or RM150 per person (regardless whether one or two events). Players who are above age of 80 (inclusive) are exempted from registration fee.
(2) Each players will be given a 1 X T-shirt only (regardless participate in one or two events), including players only accident insurance, welcoming dinner and transport (from/to the designated hotels/ stadium). Families and friends will need to pay for their own transport. T-Shirt sizes measurement can be found at here
The players who forfeit the game will not be refunded with the registration fee.
14.5 Payment Methods:
15. Awards/ Prizes:
15.1 Number of players for each group (player who walk-over is not entitled for medal and certificate (need to fill in the time off form as below)
1. Top 8 (Equal 5-8) for 33 Groups (Persons)
2. Top 4 (Equal 3-4) for 32 Groups (Persons)
3. Top 3 for 7 and 6 Groups (Persons)
4. Top 2 for 5 and 4 Groups (Persons)
5. Top 1 for 3 Groups (Persons)
15.2 No prize giving ceremony will be held for the amateur group competition, and the winners will receive the prizes at the designated place
15.3 Open categories and VIP price giving will be held together after the competition
15.4 All impersonation of players or violation will have their MATCH forfeited and all their enrolled Events CANCELLED. In addition, ALL VIOLATORS shall be suspended from participation for 1 year.
16. Organisers reserve the right to make decisions for the players and competition
17. Others Matters and Expenditure
(1) All transportation, Hotel Accommodation and any medical fees incurred will be borne by respective players
(2) Airport Transport / Hotel /Tour: Please refer to https://www.wcbfsarawak.org.my
(3) Competition Details and Hotel information and Tour information can be obtained in the Website https://www.wcbfsarawak.org.my
(4) The Organization Committee will provide tournament shuttlecocks and a sponsor T-shirts. All players are requested to wear the sponsor T-shirts on the first day of match. Doubles players are encouraged to wear the same kind of T-shirts.
(5) The farewell dinner will be held at 19:00 on Monday 8th July 2024 , and each participant will pay RMB 120 or RM 80. Please pay at the time of registration.
Tshirt Sizes
Please refer to the chart below for the t-shirt sizes.